7:00 am - Robins AFB and AIC Requirements Symposium

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Name: 7:00 am - Robins AFB and AIC Requirements Symposium
Date: March 28, 2019
Time: 7:00 AM - 4:45 PM EDT
Registration: Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:

Onsite registration will be available for this event, but seating cannot be guaranteed.

Cancelation policy - no refunds will be available after March 18, 2019..

View Tentative Break Out Session Schedule [https://chambermaster.blob.core.windows.net/userfiles/UserFiles/chambers/2506/File/FINALBreakoutSessions2019.pdf]

Robins AFB co-sponsorship with AIC (Aerospace Industry Committee) for this event is pending and does NOT indicate any DoD, USAF or component unit of DoD or USAF endorsement of the Robins Regional Chamber AIC or any other event sponsored by the Robins Regional Chamber AIC.

Please note that that there will be important business, marketing, and informational events in Warner Robins the whole week of 25-29 March.  The 44th Dixie Crow Technical Symposium will be held at the same location on March 26-27, preceding the Requirements Symposium event.  Additional information and registration are available at:  https://www.dixiecrowsymposium.com/ [https://www.dixiecrowsymposium.com/].   The Strategic Alternate Sourcing Program Office (SASPO) Industry Day will be held on Friday 29 March, the day following the Requirements Symposium.  This will include potential  reverse engineering, repair development and additive manufacturing opportunities from Robins, Hill and Tinker Air Force Bases.  Please send All RSVPs to the SASPO Workflow: 429SCMS.SASPO.Workflow@us.af.mil.  






Museum of Aviation
Century of Flight Hangar
1942 Heritage Blvd
Hwy 247 near the intersection of Russell Parkway
Robins AB, GA 31098
Full Industry Registration (includes lunch) $125 
DoD Employee Registration (includes lunch) $15
DoD Employee Registration (session only) No Charge
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Printed courtesy of www.robinsregion.com – Contact the Robins Regional Chamber for more information.
1228 Watson Blvd., Warner Robins, GA 31093 – (478) 922-8585 – info@robinsregion.com